
What Are Some Best Homemade Acne-Fighting Face Masks?

Did you know that “How to get rid of acne” is one of the most Google-searched terms? There is no quick fix to acne; it’s a constant and a very long battle. So, be brave and try the following homemade acne-fighting masks.  Oatmeal & Argan Oil Face Mask Oatmeal is naturally soothing and this simple […]

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What Are Some Best Homemade Acne-Fighting Face Masks?

Ayurveda – Beauty Comes From Within (Part 4)

“Ayurveda is a world where beauty has a different meaning than that we are usually used to.” Even in a world where thousands and thousands of cosmetic products are being manufactured every day, Ayurveda believes only in nature’s beauty and healing powers. Before you go out and spend your money on expensive skincare products, why

Ayurveda – Beauty Comes From Within (Part 4) Lire la suite »

4 Ways to Get Rid of a Sun Tan at Home

Sun tanning occurs when the skin darkens due to increased production of the skin pigment, melanin, after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Unwanted suntan or uneven skin color can be unpleasant to some. Luckily, we’ve gathered a few tips to help you fade your suntan at home. 1) Tomato Juice Tomato is an effective remedy

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