Which woman does not love red lipstick? In fact, red lips are a classic and the trick to adding red lips to any look is to choose the perfect color. Yet, before deciding on a red lipstick, there are many variables to consider. Yes! You’ve read that right. Skin, hair, style, shape, texture and lip characteristics are all crucial here. And this, can seem like a daunting task if you don’t have the appropriate tips and steps to follow. But we have wonderful news! In today’s article, we give you the suggestions to find the one red lipstick that’s right for you. Enjoy the discovery!
The Range
According to experts, there are up to 105 shades of red. The palette ranges from warm reds that include crimson, carmine, fire red, coral, brick, terracotta, tomato, scarlet, porcelain red and vermilion; to cool-based ones that include raspberry, pink, garnet, burgundy and burgundy.
One for Every Face
To decide which red to use, the first thing to do is to identify your skin tone: light, medium or brown. It is also important to know the undertone (warm, neutral or cool).
Although it is said that fair skin tones turn pale when wearing strong lipsticks, the truth is that the right color can fill them with life and brighten the cheeks.
If your skin tends toward cooler tones, it’s best to choose bluish-based reds like raspberry or garnet. Neutral or warmer skin tones accept any tone, although oranges should never be overused.
A tanned, olive face benefits from intense lipsticks that create contrast. Crimson and wine reds are best for cooler skin tones. On the other hand, if it is warm, the perfect tone is vermilion.
In the case of brown skin, the range is expanded. The range can go from bright reds to dark reds. Berry is an ideal color to bring sophistication and glamour, while burgundy emphasizes the brightness of the skin.
Glossy or Matte?

Choosing the right lipstick texture is another challenge. The options range from high-gloss to extra-matte, which has been very fashionable in recent seasons.
Balms are an in-between alternative that offer hydration and soft lighting. The classic: the hydrating bar with a velvety finish. Then you might ask which one to choose. That depends…. Any gloss is best for thin lips because it adds volume (much more if they are highlighted). On the other hand, vibrant mattes generate more impact on thick lips, also giving a rocker and modern look.
Additional Tips
The choice of red for the mouth is also related to the hair. For example, on brown hair, lips stand out better with garnet and wine tones, while on blondes, tomatoes and pinks are preferred. For gray hair: the infallible passion red.
The preparation of the lips will also make a significant difference. Before using a red lipstick, it is necessary to exfoliate the skin, apply Vaseline (or any other appropriate moisturizer), massage to stimulate circulation and wait a few minutes before outlining and applying makeup.
The best look for wearing an ultra-saturated red: with defined lips, thick brows and eyes in the background. If the facial features are very harsh, it is best to avoid it.
When you buy a red lipstick (or any other color), try it in your mouth. The back of the hand has a different tone and the end result can be very different from what you expected.
One of the maxims of makeup takes effect when we talk about red mouths. If the focus is on the lips, the eyes will wear a more relaxed makeup.
So now you have all the knowledge to perfectly slay your red lips. Have we missed any tips? Share them in the comments below.