Today, we discover one of these trendy foods with extraordinary properties: chia seeds. It is a product with a taste that many people associate with nuts, and it contains an enormous amount of vitamins and minerals that can help us fight those extra pounds, control the habit of snacking between meals, and in short, feel better in our body and mind.
But it doesn’t stop there. The benefits of eating chia seeds are numerous, and below we learn more about this native American seed that will definitely encourage you to try it.
But first, what’s all about this fuss about the seed?
There is a real chia seed fever. It can be said that they are very fashionable, and this notoriety is not totally unjustified. Many nutrition experts have talked about its qualities.
More and more people have chia seeds in their pantry. But what are the qualities and properties that make chia seeds such a fashionable food these days? We will then explain some of its most relevant properties, and we will inform you of the health benefits it can bring you.
In addition to its many benefits, we must point out that it is very tasty food and that it allows excellent versatility in the kitchen. Many chefs use the chia seed to complement many dishes: from the most exotic to the most traditional.
Healthy Properties of Chia Seeds
All nutritionists must have this food available to recommend it strongly. “Chia” is a term of Mayan origin, whose meaning is strength. For thousands of years, chia has been the favorite food of Mayan and Aztec societies. And it is not in vain that it contains a multitude of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that make it easier for our bodies to fight bad fats, in addition to providing us with various benefits.

It is a food widely consumed by sportsmen and women, but even if you don’t practice a lot of physical activity, you can take advantage of its daily consumption to feel better. As already mentioned, it is a nutritious food, and it can have its place in almost any dish you can imagine. There are people who include chia in yogurt, in soups, in breakfast cereals, in purees, in stews, in salads… It goes with almost anything! The most daring have even begun to experiment with chia, including it in muffins or cakes.
Gluten-Free and With Omega 3
Chia seeds do not contain gluten (and therefore, it is a suitable food for celiacs), contain Omega 3, and fiber and antioxidants.
Some more information about its nutritional contribution:
– Provides twice the protein of most vegetables
– Contains twice as much potassium as bananas
– It gives us twice the fiber of oats
– Triple the iron of lentils
– Five times more calcium intake than cow’s milk
– Three times more antioxidants than beans
Health Benefits of Chia Seeds
So what are the advantages of consuming this seed? What nutritional intakes does it satisfy, and how does it contribute to improving our physical health? Below, you will find a summary on the health benefits of the chia seed and the benefits of including this ingredient in the usual diet.
Manage Your Craving for a Snack Between Meals
Chia is high in fiber, so it’s a great idea to curb our cravings for snacks between meals. The seeds are easily digestible, but they create a feeling of satiety that prevents us from biting and therefore allows us to control our weight more quickly.
Experts recommend eating chia for breakfast to take advantage of its long-term energy boost, which will keep us active for many hours.

Regulate the Hydration of Your Body
They are porous seeds that can reach up to 10 times their weight in water. Their consumption also helps us to hydrate our bodies. This is one of the keys to understanding why athletes and people who do very physical or stressful work commit to eating chia seeds.
It is also highly recommended to consume them before going to the gym or doing a bit of running.
Protect You From the Harmful Effects of the Environment
Let’s address an important point: Chia improves our immune system. It, therefore, protects us when it comes to dealing with weather and disease. It makes us more resistant to colds and flu, for example. However, this is an indirect effect produced by strengthening the immune system, which means that it does not make existing illnesses disappear or the risk of suffering from them disappear.
So are you ready to now start consuming this superfood? Come back to check out the second part of the post, where you will learn more about chia seeds’ benefits!