Adopted by many massage centers around the world, reflexology provides a great relief and treatment to the body. It is widely used to cure varied skin disorders and the most common are eczema, psoriasis, acne, shingles, ringworm, erythema, seborrhea and dermatitis. Working on the feet and hands completely, some people have notice that there is a great change in their skin within a few weeks. Due to a malfunction in the internal organs, these skin problems occur, reflexology certainly helps in stimulating and improving the functions of these organs.
Many of you might be asking what is reflexology and how it affects our life. Well reflexology is based on an ancient Egyptian healing technique, it is the application of appropriate pressure to specific points on the feet that helps the health of the other person. Reflexology has the ability to promote a healing response in the organs and muscles. Reflexologists know where to apply pressure and which organ is going to be affected by this. Some people use a reflexology chart to see how the particular part of the foot is the image of the different zone in the body and how by a gentle manipulation of pressure that point can produce an effect somewhere else in the body.
There are various skin problems that can be positively impacted by foot reflexology and we have some mentioned below.
Acne And Foot Reflexology
We see acne appear due to internal imbalances in most cases. According to a long study of women and men suffering from acne, ten foot reflexology sessions of about half an hour each were successful in treating the condition. Various areas were treated with this practice and the results were very interesting because the acne was cured in various situations. In some cases, we need to do more sessions, but the results of the study were positive.
Melasma and foot reflexology
Melasma is a very difficult disease to treat, but foot reflexology can really help, more than many people think. Studies have shown that 12 people between the ages of 25 and 40 who have had melasma for 12 years received a facial massage and foot reflexology for 20 minutes per session. We have seen 8 cases where the skin regained its appearance and 3 situations where the pigmentation lightened. In only one situation, we saw lesions that did not change, but despite this, improvements in appearance appeared.
Eczema and foot reflexology
Eczema, as a skin condition, is caused by internal imbalances and allergies. This is why foot reflexology has proven to be helpful. The Jia Ji method was considered particularly useful when the treatment lasts 10 days. A cure rate of approximately 87% and an effectiveness rate of approximately 93% were observed during the trials.
Psoriasis and foot reflexology
The number of people affected by psoriasis is much higher than you might think at the moment. Unfortunately, there is no real cure for this disease, but after 100 sessions, it has been proven that foot reflexology can help when it focuses on the immune and endocrine systems. Good results seem to appear after 40 sessions. In some situations, the lesions and scales have disappeared while the skin color has returned to normal. However, this is not always the case and it is preferable to proceed by trial and error.
Alopecia, areola and foot reflexology
This type of hair loss is usually the cause of bald patches. Its treatment is a priority for people all over the world, but it is much more complicated than many people expect. There are so many situations in which internal and external medicine has no obvious effect. This is normally due to the fact that the underlying cause of the onset of hair loss is stress and anxiety. Foot reflexology is very helpful because it can help people cope with such situations.
So the next time you are facing an acne or melasma problem, do check the reflexology chart to diagnose the problem.