During summer, the overexposure of harmful sun rays, chlorinated water, sea salt, sweat, etc., dries out the hair, and using a curling iron becomes more of a bad idea. If you want to have more hair volume naturally, here are some ways you can achieve beautiful curls without burning your hair with a curling iron!
1) Little and Tight Twisted Buns
If you want to wake up with curly hair, you simply have to make two little and tightly twisted buns. For this technique, you need to wet your hair and separate them into two equal parts. Make two thick twists and put them into two small buns on each side. Hold them with bobby pins if required. Wait for an hour or leave them overnight. When you unroll your twists, you’ll be left with glamourous wavy hair!
2) Curl Your Hair Using a Headband
Do you want pretty curls without damaging your hair? The headband technique is ideal for you! Place a headband around your head, at the top of the ears on slightly damp hair. Part the hair into two sections. Work your locks around the headband in small sections and repeat for each section until there’s no hair strands left. Keep your hair in this way until it dries out or overnight. In the morning, take out the locks carefully, and you’ll have stunning curls!
3) Braids
This basic and simple hairstyle will allow you to curl your hair in no time! Make sure your hair is wet and braid them. Use rubber bands to hold the braids in place and sleep with this hairdo through the night. If you want a wavy look with spaced curls, make the braids a bit loose on the sides. Once you’re awake, all you have to do is remove the elastic bands and delicately arrange your hair.

4) Scarf Waves
This piece of fabric can be very useful to help curl your hair in a few simple steps. To start, comb your hair and tie it into a cute ponytail. Tilt your head forward so that your ponytail is in front. Afterward, wrap your hair around the scarf, tie it again, and leave it overnight. All you’ll have to do is untie the scarf when you wake up and admire those elegant curls in the mirror. Nice tip, isn’t it?
5) Curl Your Hair Using Bobby Pins
If you’re not a morning person, the last thing you can perhaps deal with is having to figure out how to achieve beautiful curls! This heatless curling method is preferably used at night. Wrap strands of your hair, depending on the size you want around your index and middle fingers. Make small buns and pin it down with two or three bobby pins. The looser the curls, the bigger the buns, the tighter the curls, the smaller the buns. Repeat until your whole hair is pinned. Wake up, unpin, and run your hand through your fresh and alluring curls!

6) Straws
Do you dream of going from straight hair to downright curly? The straw technique can help you! Start by combing your damp hair. Pick a small section of the hair and gently twist it around the straw and tie. The sections should be thin enough so that it stays in place correctly. Leave for several hours or overnight and wake up with pretty spiral curls!
Have you ever tested out any of these techniques to curl your hair? Let us know in the comments below if it worked for you and leave your curling tips!