Tips for Choosing the Right Lipstick for You

Almost every woman in the world have4 a bunch of lipsticks stack somewhere in our purse or bags or the dressing’s drawers. There are some that we wear every day and some that never get touched. The reason is plain and simple; it is that you have fallen for a lipstick that might look great on someone else, but when you put it on yourself, then it just does not work. Well, if you have faced that issue many times, then you need to know the right lipstick shade for you. Here are some tips that will certainly help you out!

1. Find Your Undertone – Everyone’s skin has different undertones of either yellow or pink. Yellow is warmer and pink is cooler. It is important that you know your undertone as it helps when you are trying to figure out which lipsticks look best on you. A way to identify your skin’s undertone is to look at the veins on your wrist. If your veins are blue and tend to gravitate towards blues, whites, and grays, then you’ve got pink undertones. But if your veins appear more green, then you have a warmer yellow undertone. However, if your veins appear to be both blue and green, then you are lucky to have a neutral skin tone which means you can wear any color.

2. Which Shades Work With Your Undertone? – Focus on shades that are similar to your undertone when choosing a lipstick. For yellow undertones, stick to warmer colors and for pink undertones pick out shades with blue or purple tones in them. It is better to avoid shades like gray, ashy or overly pale as it makes the skin look sick or unhealthy.

3. Pick Based on Your Skin Tone – If you want to simplify the process, then stick to shades that suit your skin color. If you are anywhere around olive skin tone, then go for neutral colors such as pink, orange, and red shades. For fair skin tones, bold reds, deep colors are perfect as it matches with your makeup and can look fantastic. Avoid any color that is too light or with too much of yellow undertones. If you have darker skin tones, better stick to colors like deep plums, berries, and reds. It is better to avoid anything too light or pale.

4. Think about your personality and lifestyle – No matter what your skin or undertone is if you want to have a bold red lipstick, then have it! Better choose a color that suits your personality and lifestyle rather than one that does not complement it at all.

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